Monday, August 4, 2008

Deep Cries Out to Deep

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

The depth of stories held in stone
Built by the men of old
Behind the cracked and ivy’d walls
Their narrative unfolds

Beyond the marble arches
Among the engraved halls
Their grandeur orders silence
I am humbled by depth’s call

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

Through the frailty of a flower
The strength of mountain peaks
The mystery of galaxies
The voice of nature speaks

Mighty, crashing ocean waves
Graceful rainbow skies
Reflections of a designer
Right here before my eyes

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

Songs left behind by artisans
Who penned their angst and joy
These architects gave works of sound
That prompt me to add my voice

The dancing notes that capture life
Without having to use words
Within dissonance and harmony
The inscrutable occurs

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

A symphony of stories
Seen through other people’s eyes
I have traveled far and journeyed wide
By sharing in their lives

Who knows what treasures lay beneath
The walls you hide behind
Betrayed by way of kindred hearts
Our deepness intertwines

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

The art found in a smile
The danger of a glance
In the beauty of relationship
I revel in depth’s dance

The disarming power of a hug
The healing of a laugh
I look behind your eyes
Where deep speaks on your behalf

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

While I have not traveled far
Bestow on me your grace
My quest is onward toward depth’s call
I’m devoted to this race

Don’t define me by the place I stand
Or what I’ve done so far
Define me by my hopes and dreams
The ambitions in my heart

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

The alluring beauty of the deep
Is there is always more detail
Mysteries long to be discovered
Waiting just beyond the veil

Depth is a journey and a goal
I will linger where depth leads
Help me look beyond the surface
And answer from the deepest part of me

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

Let my answer to the deep
Be causing change in those I reach
Leaving legacy, not memories
Calling you to deep with me

You have so much potential
If you could only see in part
Let me challenge you to grow
Awaken dreams within your heart

I cry out to the deep in you
And beckon it to answer

A walking, breathing legacy
Not defined by works and walls
Lifting you up pushes me to deep
And I triumph in depth’s call

So this would be my victory
Calling others to the deep
Finding marvelous in everyday
And it remains for me…

Deep cries out to deep
And from the depths of me I answer

~ 2007 ~

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