The bits of information my brain needed clinked together and recognition came. And in the blink of an eye I turned into a giggly squealy mess as I threw my arms around my beloved friend and greeted her with a massive hug. Being in her presence was just so unexpected and ridiculously joyful.
It was quite the three-second span if I do say so myself. I can only imagine all the expressions that must have cycled through my face.
That's been happening a lot lately. Spontaneous reunions with beloved people from my past. I'll be the first to admit that my exisitence is filled with quite the cast of characters. But I've also gotten used to letting people go. Realizing that our paths were only meant to cross for a few precious strides.
The best part is, all the things that made that person special come swarming back to the surface of my memory and edify me all over again: the lessons I learned, the example they lived, the adventures we shared, the valleys we survived, the mountains we conquered. More often than not, I needed the reminder. Coincidence? Not a chance.
"Caution: Objects in mirror are closer than they appear."
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